23 August 2016

Shocker: New Tesla with a 315 mile range

Tesla keeps surprising me. The auto pilot features, the garnishing design, the life saving stories, electrically powered-up car. This time around, Tesla is offering it's electric vehicles with a battery capable of going up to 315miles on a charge (geeez). Prior to now, Tesla's largest battery size was 90kilowatt-hour. With the new version of Tesla, that is, Model S and X vehicle, 10kilowatt-hour has been a bonus, making it 100kilowatt-hour.

With this feature of Tesla, being able to go 315 mile range, fears of car stopping while traveling long distances should be lessened. Unlike gas stations that are readily available as you travel, "charging stations" aren't. You must charge your car before moving.

According to Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Tesla model S sedan will get the 315 mile range while the heavier SUV won't be able to travel as as far on a charge. The P100D sedan will cost $134,500 and SUV will cost $135,500.

Tesla claims that the 100kwh sedan can travel from 0 to 60miles an hour in 2.5seconds, while the SUV can achieve that miles at 2.9seconds (0.4seconds making the difference).

Tesla have been trying to catch the Attention of people. As a result, Tesla is aiming at building great electric car that everyone can afford, according to MR MUSK, Tesla chief executive. Many persons ,for now seem not to be looking into Tesla. U.S are thriving on low gasoline prices, giving people more reason not to look into Tesla. Although  a country like Nigeria could have been a good market, but they face serious economic meltdown.

In the midst of all that, Tesla ain't bothered. More cars on the way as Tesla aims to sell cheaper model 3 electric cars starting 2017.. watch out!


